
Welcome to Kiki's Angels - a gathering place where Angels bring love, light and protection to those who need it. 
This site was started for Krista, "Auntie Kiki",in her hours of darkness and despair at the end of her four year
battle with stage four breast cancer. We used this site as a place to summon and pray for Angels to gather to help
heal and protect our cherished Krista but unfortunately she left this world on June 7, 2010 to become an angel herself.
We now would like to invite you to use this site to help find inspiration, healing and peace.
Read More....

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kiki's Angels

Welcome to Kiki's Angels - a gathering place where Angels bring love, light and protection
to those who need it.  This site was started for Krista, "Auntie Kiki", in her hours of
darkness and despair at the end of her four year battle with stage four breast cancer. 
We used this site as a place to summon and pray for Angels to gather to help heal 
and protect our cherished Krista but unfortunately she left this world on June 7, 2010 to
become an angel herself.  We now would like to invite you to use this site to help find 
inspiration, healing and peace.  Please share this website with those who might need it. 
If you have any images of Angels, or any thoughts, quotes, words or images of hope, 
love and inspiration.....then please email them to us and we will post them 
on this site.  Together we will create a center of much needed protection and healing.
Some artisans are offering their work for sale on E-bay and Etsy to help support 
Kiki's Sunshine Fund, if you wish to participate please let us know and we'll be 
happy to include you in the fundraising effort. We are just as happy to receive images 
that you have created or found along your path with your loving words of support.
With our heartfelt thanks..... 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Song from Jacob

Jacob, a close family friend of Krista's, wanted to share a song that he uses in times of stress.  It is a recording of the personal healing chant of the Dalai Lama. Please click on this link to listen.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Paintings of Hope and Healing

painted by Amber Weller

Zachary's Healing Hands
painted by Zachary Weller

Caroline's Healing Hands
painted by Caroline and Scott Weller

Hearts of Hope
painted by Amber Weller

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Prayer For Kiki

"Our father who art in heaven, 
I pray to you with eternal thanks and ask that you hear my prayer. 
You have told us that when we ask out loud with faith and clear heart, 
you will listen to and answer our prayers. 
So I humbly request that you manifest to me my Guardian Angel to protect and 
look after me daily. I want to thank this Angel for my constant care and protection. 
I know that if I ask in faith and with clear spirit you will send me an Angel today. 
If it is Your Will Heavenly father, please help me to see mine. 
I thank you eternally and ask for my Angel to come soon 
in the name of your son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Let's pray for a passer by - poem by Samantha Burns

Shall we all mow our lawns in our front garden?
And have them neat and preened
Shall we plant our flowers and our apple tree?

This is the garden that’s seen

Shall we have our tea out on the lawn?
And discuss our noble queen
Shall we ignore the fact that we’re forlorn?

This is the garden that’s seen

photo by Christi Turner

On This Night of a Thousand Stars....

painting above (copy of Van Gogh's Starry Night) was painted by Brendan 
for Krista as a wedding gift

song below is "their song" and it is from Evita

On this night of a thousand stars
Let me take you to heaven's door
Where the music of love's guitars
Plays for evermore

In the glow of those twinkling lights
We shall love through eternity
On this night in a million nights
Fly away with me

I never dreamed that a kiss could be as sweet as this
But now I know that it can
I used to wander alone without a love of my own
I was a desperate man
But all my grief disappeared and all the sorrow I'd feared
Wasn't there anymore
On that magical day when you first came my way
Mi amor

On this night
On this night
On this night of a thousand stars
Let me take you to heaven's door
Where the music of love's guitars
Plays for evermore

Please Contribute

If you have a photograph, poem, painting, song, quote, image, drawing etc. 
that you would like to share (it does not have to be original) please email 
Jess at troopweller@hotmail.com. 
We are hoping this site will be a place for angels to gather and create 
strength and energy to help Krista heal.