
Welcome to Kiki's Angels - a gathering place where Angels bring love, light and protection to those who need it. 
This site was started for Krista, "Auntie Kiki",in her hours of darkness and despair at the end of her four year
battle with stage four breast cancer. We used this site as a place to summon and pray for Angels to gather to help
heal and protect our cherished Krista but unfortunately she left this world on June 7, 2010 to become an angel herself.
We now would like to invite you to use this site to help find inspiration, healing and peace.
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Monday, May 17, 2010

Please Contribute

If you have a photograph, poem, painting, song, quote, image, drawing etc. 
that you would like to share (it does not have to be original) please email 
Jess at troopweller@hotmail.com. 
We are hoping this site will be a place for angels to gather and create 
strength and energy to help Krista heal.  

1 comment:

  1. Krista, you were one of the most beautiful brides I have ever photographed. Your confidence and honesty came through your eyes and the love you had for Brendon that day was inspiring. I see your strength and know it will carry you through all of this. I send you my best wishes and heartfelt prayers.
    Kim Fuller
